In English

Rovaniemi basket

Rovaniemi Basket (official name Rovaniemen Nuorten Miesten Kristillinen Yhdistys / YMCA Rovaniemi) is City of Rovaniemi's only sports club specialising in basketball. We are members of Finnish Basketball Association and YMCA Finland.

Rovaniemi Basket was founded in 1980 as Rovaniemen NMKY. 


Rovaniemi Basket aims at enabling basketball as a hobby for all it's members in their respective capabilities and possibilities. We want the youth to grow up respecting others and following basic humane values via sport and activity.


Rovaniemi Basket has practise groups in all age groups starting from under 8 year olds to adult leisure groups in both men and women. 

If you wish to join Rovaniemi Basket as a player, coach or a volunteer, please see contact⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ -information.